The Book of Enoch Section V. XCI-CIV (i.e. XCII, XCI. 1-1O, 18-19, XCIII.
1-1O, XCI. 12-17, XCIV-CIV.). [Chapter 92] 1 The book written by Enoch-[Enoch indeed wrote this complete doctrine of wisdom, (which is) praised of all men and a judge of all the earth] for all my children who shall dwell on the earth. And for the future generations who shall observe uprightness and peace. 2 Let not your spirit be troubled on account of the times; 3 And the righteous one shall arise from sleep, 4 He will be gracious to the righteous and give him eternal
uprightness, 5 And sin shall perish in darkness for ever, [Chapter 91] 1 And now, my son Methuselah, call to me all thy brothers 2 And there upon Methuselah went and summoned to him all his brothers
and assembled his relatives. 'Hear, ye sons of Enoch, all the words of your father, 4 Love uprightness and walk therein. But walk in righteousness, my sons. 5 For I know that violence must increase on the earth, Yea, it shall be cut off from its roots, 6 And unrighteousness shall again be consummated on the earth, 7 And when sin and unrighteousness and blasphemy A great chastisement shall come from heaven upon all these, 8 In those days violence shall be cut off from its roots, 9 And all the idols of the heathen shall be abandoned, And they (i.e. the heathen) shall be cast into the judgement of fire, 10 And the righteous shall arise from their sleep, [And after that the roots of unrighteousness shall be cut off, and the sinners shall be destroyed by the sword . . . shall be cut off from the blasphemers in every place, and those who plan violence and those who commit blasphemy shall perish by the sword.] 18 And now I tell you, my sons, and show you [Chapter 93] 1,2 And after that Enoch both gave and began to recount from the books. And Enoch said: ' Concerning the children of righteousness and concerning the elect
of the world, According to that which appeared to me in the heavenly vision, 3 And Enoch began to recount from the books and said: 4 And after me there shall arise in the second week great wickedness, And in it a man shall be saved; And after that in the third week at its close 6 And after that in the fourth week, at its close, 7 And after that in the fifth week, at its close, 8 And after that in the sixth week all who live in it shall be
blinded, And in it a man shall ascend; 9 And after that in the seventh week shall an apostate generation
arise, 10 And at its close shall be elected 11 [For who is there of all the children of men that is able to hear the voice of the Holy One without being troubled ? And who can think His thoughts ? and who is there that can behold all the works 12 of heaven ? And how should there be one who could behold the heaven, and who is there that could understand the things of heaven and see a soul or a spirit and could tell thereof, or ascend and see 13 all their ends and think them or do like them ? And who is there of all men that could know what is the breadth and the length of the earth, and to whom has been shown the measure of all of them ? 14 Or is there any one who could discern the length of the heaven and how great is its height, and upon what it is founded, and how great is the number of the stars, and where all the luminaries rest ?] [Chapter 91] 12 And after that there shall be another, the eighth week, that of
righteousness, 13 And at its close they shall acquire houses through their
righteousness, 14a And after that, in the ninth week, the righteous judgement shall
be revealed to the whole world, 15 And after this, in the tenth week in the seventh part, 16 And the first heaven shall depart and pass away, 17 And after that there will be many weeks without number for ever, [Chapter 94] 1 And now I say unto you, my sons, love righteousness and walk
therein; 2 And to certain men of a generation shall the paths of violence and
of death be revealed, 3 And now I say unto you the righteous: 4 But seek and choose for yourselves righteousness and an elect life, 5 And hold fast my words in the thoughts of your hearts, For I know that sinners will tempt men to evilly-entreat wisdom, 6 Woe to those who build unrighteousness and oppression 7 Woe to those who build their houses with sin; 8 Woe to you, ye rich, for ye have trusted in your riches, 9 Ye have committed blasphemy and unrighteousness, 10 Thus I speak and declare unto you: 11 And your righteous ones in those days shall be [Chapter 95] 1 Oh that mine eyes were [a cloud of] waters 2 who has permitted you to practice reproaches and wickedness ? 3 Fear not the sinners, ye righteous; 4 Woe to you who fulminate anathemas which cannot be reversed: 5 Woe to you who requite your neighbour with evil; 6 Woe to you, lying witnesses, 7 Woe to you, sinners, for ye persecute the righteous; [Chapter 96] 1 Be hopeful, ye righteous; for suddenly shall the sinners perish
before you, 2 [And in the day of the tribulation of the sinners, 3 Wherefore fear not, ye that have suffered; 4 Woe unto you, ye sinners, for your riches make you appear like the
righteous, 5 Woe to you who devour the finest of the wheat, 6 Woe to you who drink water from every fountain, 7 Woe to you who work unrighteousness 8 Woe to you, ye mighty, In those days many and good days shall come to the righteous-in the day of your judgement. [Chapter 97] 1 Believe, ye righteous, that the sinners will become a shame 3 What will ye do, ye sinners, 4 Yea, ye shall fare like unto them, 5 And in those days the prayer of the righteous shall reach unto the
Lord, 6 And all the words of your unrighteousness shall be read out before
the Great Holy One, 7 Woe to you, ye sinners, who live on the mid ocean and on the dry
land, 8 Woe to you who acquire silver and gold in unrighteousness and say: 9 And now let us do what we purposed: For ye have acquired it all in unrighteousness, [Chapter 98] 1 And now I swear unto you, to the wise and to the foolish, 2 For ye men shall put on more adornments than a woman, 3 Therefore they shall be wanting in doctrine and wisdom, 4 I have sworn unto you, ye sinners, as a mountain has not become a
slave, 5 And barrenness has not been given to the woman, 6 I have sworn unto you, ye sinners, by the Holy Great One, 7 And do not think in your spirit nor say in your heart that ye do not know and that ye do not see 8 that every sin is every day recorded in heaven in the presence of the Most High. From henceforth ye know that all your oppression wherewith ye oppress is written down every day till the day of your judgement. 9 Woe to you, ye fools, for through your folly shall ye perish: and ye transgress against the wise, 10 and so good hap shall not be your portion. And now, know ye that ye are prepared for the day of destruction: wherefore do not hope to live, ye sinners, but ye shall depart and die; for ye know no ransom; for ye are prepared for the day of the great judgement, for the day of tribulation and great shame for your spirits. 11 Woe to you, ye obstinate of heart, who work wickedness and eat blood: Whence have ye good things to eat and to drink and to be filled ? From all the good things which the Lord the Most High has placed in abundance on the earth; therefore ye shall have no peace. 12 Woe to you who love the deeds of unrighteousness: wherefore do ye hope for good hap unto yourselves? know that ye shall be delivered into the hands of the righteous, and they shall cut 3 off your necks and slay you, and have no mercy upon you. Woe to you who rejoice in the tribulation of the righteous; for no grave shall be dug for you. Woe to you who set at nought the words of 5 the righteous; for ye shall have no hope of life. Woe to you who write down lying and godless words; for they write down their lies that men may hear them and act godlessly towards (their) 6 neighbour. Therefore they shall have no peace but die a sudden death. [Chapter 99] 1 Woe to you who work godlessness, 2 Woe to them who pervert the words of uprightness, 3 In those days make ready, ye righteous, to raise your prayers as a
memorial, 4 In those days the nations shall be stirred up, 5 And in those days the destitute shall go forth and carry off their
children, 6, 7 And again I swear to you, ye sinners, that sin is prepared for a day of unceasing bloodshed. And they who worship stones, and grave images of gold and silver and wood (and stone) and clay, and those who worship impure spirits and demons, and all kinds of idols not according to knowledge, shall get no manner of help from them. 8 And they shall become godless by reason of the folly of their
hearts, 9 Through these they shall become godless and fearful; 10 But in those days blessed are all they who accept the words of
wisdom, and understand them, 11 Woe to you who spread evil to your neighbours; 12 Woe to you who make deceitful and false measures, 13 Woe to you who build your houses through the grievous toil of
others, 14 Woe to them who reject the measure and eternal heritage of their
fathers 15 Woe to them who work unrighteousness and help oppression, 16 For He shall cast down your glory, [Chapter 100] 1 And in those days in one place the fathers together with their sons
shall be smitten 2 For a man shall not withhold his hand from slaying his sons and his
sons' sons, 3 And the horse shall walk up to the breast in the blood of sinners, 4 In those days the angels shall descend into the secret places 5 And over all the righteous and holy He will appoint guardians from
amongst the holy angels 6 And (then) the children of the earth shall see the wise in
security, 7 Woe to you, Sinners, on the day of strong anguish, 8 Woe to you, ye obstinate of heart, 9 Woe to you, ye sinners, on account of the words of your mouth, 10 And now, know ye that from the angels He will inquire as to your deeds in heaven, from the sun and from the moon and from the stars in reference to your sins because upon the earth ye execute 11 judgement on the righteous. And He will summon to testify against you every cloud and mist and dew and rain; for they shall all be withheld because of you from descending upon you, and they 12 shall be mindful of your sins. And now give presents to the rain that it be not withheld from descending upon you, nor yet the dew, when it has received gold and silver from you that it may descend. When the hoar-frost and snow with their chilliness, and all the snow-storms with all their plagues fall upon you, in those days ye shall not be able to stand before them. [Chapter 101] 1 Observe the heaven, ye children of heaven, and every work of the Most High, and fear ye Him 2 and work no evil in His presence. If He closes the windows of heaven, and withholds the rain and 3 the dew from descending on the earth on your account, what will ye do then? And if He sends His anger upon you because of your deeds, ye cannot petition Him; for ye spake proud and insolent 4 words against His righteousness: therefore ye shall have no peace. And see ye not the sailors of the ships, how their ships are tossed to and fro by the waves, and are shaken by the winds, and are 5 in sore trouble ? And therefore do they fear because all their goodly possessions go upon the sea with them, and they have evil forebodings of heart that the sea will swallow them and they will 6 perish therein. Are not the entire sea and all its waters, and all its movements, the work of the Most 7 High, and has He not set limits to its doings, and confined it throughout by the sand ? And at His reproof it is afraid and dries up, and all its fish die and all that is in it; But ye sinners that are 8 on the earth fear Him not. Has He not made the heaven and the earth, and all that is therein ? Who has given understanding and wisdom to everything that moves on the earth and in the sea. 9 Do not the sailors of the ships fear the sea ? Yet sinners fear not the Most High. [Chapter 102] 1 In those days when He hath brought a grievous fire upon you, 2 And all the luminaries shall be affrighted with great fear, 3 And all the angels shall execute their commandst 4 Fear ye not, ye souls of the righteous, 5 And grieve not if your soul into Sheol has descended in grief, 6 And yet when ye die the sinners speak over you: 7 Behold, even as we, so do they die in grief and darkness, 8 And what will they receive and what will they see for ever ? 9 I tell you, ye sinners, ye are content to eat and drink, and rob and sin, and strip men naked, and 10 acquire wealth and see good days. Have ye seen the righteous how their end falls out, that no manner 11 of violence is found in them till their death ? " Nevertheless they perished and became as though they had not been, and their spirits descended into Sheol in tribulation." [Chapter 103] 1 Now, therefore, I swear to you, the righteous, by the glory of the
Great and Honoured and 2 Mighty One in dominion, and by His greatness I
swear to you. 3 That all goodness and joy and glory are prepared for them, 4 And the spirits of you who have died in righteousness shall live
and rejoice, 5 Woe to you, ye sinners, when ye have died, 6 And how they have died in prosperity and in wealth, 7 Know ye, that their souls will be made to descend into Sheol 8 And into darkness and chains and a burning flame where there is
grievous judgement shall your spirits enter; 9 Say not in regard to the righteous and good who are in life: 10 And we have been destroyed and have not found any to help us even
with a word: 11 We hoped to be the head and have become the tail: 12 They have had dominion over us that hated us and smote us; 13 We desired to get away from them that we might escape and be at
rest, 14 And are complained to the rulers in our tribulation, 15 And they helped those who robbed us and devoured us and those who made us few; and they concealed their oppression, and they did not remove from us the yoke of those that devoured us and dispersed us and murdered us, and they concealed their murder, and remembered not that they had lifted up their hands against us. [Chapter 104] 1 I swear unto you, that in heaven the angels remember you for good before the glory of the Great 2 One: and your names are written before the glory of the Great One. Be hopeful; for aforetime ye were put to shame through ill and affliction; but now ye shall shine as the lights of heaven, 3 ye shall shine and ye shall be seen, and the portals of heaven shall be opened to you. And in your cry, cry for judgement, and it shall appear to you; for all your tribulation shall be visited on the 4 rulers, and on all who helped those who plundered you. Be hopeful, and cast not away your hopes for ye shall have great joy as the angels of heaven. What shall ye be obliged to do ? Ye shall not have to hide on the day of the great judgement and ye shall not be found as sinners, and the eternal 6 judgement shall be far from you for all the generations of the world. And now fear not, ye righteous, when ye see the sinners growing strong and prospering in their ways: be not companions with them, 7 but keep afar from their violence; for ye shall become companions of the hosts of heaven. And, although ye sinners say: " All our sins shall not be searched out and be written down," nevertheless 8 they shall write down all your sins every day. And now I show unto you that light and darkness, 9 day and night, see all your sins. Be not godless in your hearts, and lie not and alter not the words of uprightness, nor charge with lying the words of the Holy Great One, nor take account of your 10 idols; for all your lying and all your godlessness issue not in righteousness but in great sin. And now I know this mystery, that sinners will alter and pervert the words of righteousness in many ways, and will speak wicked words, and lie, and practice great deceits, and write books concerning 11 their words. But when they write down truthfully all my words in their languages, and do not change or minish ought from my words but write them all down truthfully -all that I first testified 12 concerning them. Then, I know another mystery, that books will be given to the righteous and the 13 wise to become a cause of joy and uprightness and much wisdom. And to them shall the books be given, and they shall believe in them and rejoice over them, and then shall all the righteous who have learnt therefrom all the paths of uprightness be recompensed.' [Chapter 105] 1 In those days the Lord bade (them) to summon and testify to the children of earth concerning their wisdom: Show (it) unto them; for ye are their guides, and a recompense over the whole earth. 2 For I and My son will be united with them for ever in the paths of uprightness in their lives; and ye shall have peace: rejoice, ye children of uprightness. Amen. Fragment of the Book of Noah [Chapter 106] 1 And after some days my son Methuselah took a wife for his son Lamech, and she became 2 pregnant by him and bore a son. And his body was white as snow and red as the blooming of a rose, and the hair of his head and his long locks were white as wool, and his eyes beautiful. And when he opened his eyes, he lighted up the whole house like the sun, and the whole house 3 was very bright. And thereupon he arose in the hands of the midwife, opened his mouth, and conversed with the Lord of righteousness. 4 And his father Lamech was afraid of him and 5 fled, and came to his father Methuselah. And he said unto him: ' I have begotten a strange son, diverse from and unlike man, and resembling the sons of the God of heaven; and his nature is different and he is not like us, and his eyes are as the rays of the sun, and his 6 countenance is glorious. And it seems to me that he is not sprung from me but from the angels, and I fear that in his days a wonder may be 7 wrought on the earth. And now, my father, I am here to petition thee and implore thee that thou mayest go to Enoch, our father, and learn from him the truth, for his dwelling-place is 8 amongst the angels.' And when Methuselah heard the words of his son, he came to me to the ends of the earth; for he had heard that 1 was there, and he cried aloud, and I heard his voice and I came to him. And 1 said unto him: ' Behold, here am I, my son, wherefore hast 9 thou come to me ? ' And he answered and said: ' Because of a great cause of anxiety have I come to thee, and because of a disturbing vision 10 have I approached. And now, my father, hear me: unto Lamech my son there hath been born a son, the like of whom there is none, and his nature is not like man's nature, and the colour of his body is whiter than snow and redder than the bloom of a rose, and the hair of his head is whiter than white wool, and his eyes are like the rays of the sun, and he opened his eyes and 11 thereupon lighted up the whole house. And he arose in the hands of the midwife, and opened 12 his mouth and blessed the Lord of heaven. And his father Lamech became afraid and fled to me, and did not believe that he was sprung from him, but that he was in the likeness of the angels of heaven; and behold I have come to thee that thou mayest make known to me the truth.' And I, Enoch, answered and said unto him: 'The Lord will do a new thing on the earth, and this I have already seen in a vision, and make known to thee that in the generation of my father Jared some of the angels of heaven transgressed the word of the Lord. And behold they commit sin and transgress the law, and have united themselves with women and commit sin with them, and have married some of them, and have begot children by them. And they shall produce on the earth giants not according to the spirit, but according to the flesh, and there shall be a great punishment on the earth, and the earth shall be cleansed from all impurity. Yea, there shall come a great destruction over the whole earth, and there shall be a deluge and 16 a great destruction for one year. And this son who has been born unto you shall be left on the earth, and his three children shall be saved with him: when all mankind that are on the earth 8 shall die [he and his sons shall be saved]. And now make known to thy son Lamech that he who has been born is in truth his son, and call his name Noah; for he shall be left to you, and he and his sons shall be saved from the destruction, which shall come upon the earth on account of all the sin and all the unrighteousness, which shall be consummated on the earth in his days. And after that there shall be still more unrighteousness than that which was first consummated on the earth; for I know the mysteries of the holy ones; for He, the Lord, has showed me and informed me, and I have read (them) in the heavenly tablets. [Chapter 107] 1 And I saw written on them that generation upon generation shall transgress, till a generation of righteousness arises, and transgression is destroyed and sin passes away from the earth, and all 2 manner of good comes upon it. And now, my son, go and make known to thy son Lamech that this 3 son, which has been born, is in truth his son, and that (this) is no lie.' And when Methuselah had heard the words of his father Enoch-for he had shown to him everything in secret-he returned and showed (them) to him and called the name of that son Noah; for he will comfort the earth after all the destruction. [Chapter 108] 1 Another book which Enoch wrote for his son Methuselah and for those who will come after him, 2 and keep the law in the last days. Ye who have done good shall wait for those days till an end is made of those who work evil; and an end of the might of the transgressors. And wait ye indeed till sin has passed away, for their names shall be blotted out of the book of life and out of the holy books, and their seed shall be destroyed for ever, and their spirits shall be slain, and they shall cry and make lamentation in a place that is a chaotic wilderness, and in the fire shall they burn; for there is no earth there. And I saw there something like an invisible cloud; for by reason of its depth I could not look over, and I saw a flame of fire blazing brightly, and things like shining 5 mountains circling and sweeping to and fro. And I asked one of the holy angels who was with me and said unto him: ' What is this shining thing? for it is not a heaven but only the flame of a blazing 6 fire, and the voice of weeping and crying and lamentation and strong pain.' And he said unto me: ' This place which thou seest-here are cast the spirits of sinners and blasphemers, and of those who work wickedness, and of those who pervert everything that the Lord hath spoken through the mouth 7 of the prophets-(even) the things that shall be. For some of them are written and inscribed above in the heaven, in order that the angels may read them and know that which shall befall the sinners, and the spirits of the humble, and of those who have afflicted their bodies, and been recompensed 8 by God; and of those who have been put to shame by wicked men: Who love God and loved neither gold nor silver nor any of the good things which are in the world, but gave over their bodies to torture. Who, since they came into being, longed not after earthly food, but regarded everything as a passing breath, and lived accordingly, and the Lord tried them much, and their spirits were 10 found pure so that they should bless His name. And all the blessings destined for them I have recounted in the books. And he hath assigned them their recompense, because they have been found to be such as loved heaven more than their life in the world, and though they were trodden under foot of wicked men, and experienced abuse and reviling from them and were put to shame, 11 yet they blessed Me. And now I will summon the spirits of the good who belong to the generation of light, and I will transform those who were born in darkness, who in the flesh were not recompensed 12 with such honour as their faithfulness deserved. And I will bring forth in shining light those who 13 have loved My holy name, and I will seat each on the throne of his honour. And they shall be resplendent for times without number; for righteousness is the judgement of God; for to the faithful 14 He will give faithfulness in the habitation of upright paths. And they shall see those who were , 15 born in darkness led into darkness, while the righteous shall be resplendent. And the sinners shall cry aloud and see them resplendent, and they indeed will go where days and seasons are prescribed for them.' |