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Does it Matter Which Bible?

There are dozens of Bible translations but which is the best Bible translation for you to read? Which is closer to the original text?

Unfortunately the most popular translations are not always the best translations. Most people believe that the newer versions are just the harmless updating of the words in an effort to make it easier to understand for today's vocabulary, but nothing could be further from the truth!
The new versions take out or add words that change the meaning, and the average person would never know the difference!

The closest to the original translation and easiest to locate would have to be the King James Version = KJ.

The greatest method of deception is to counterfeit, and the master of deception is Satan. 

In reading the sentence changes you will notice that smallest change can alter the entire meaning in many cases, we have only included a few of the complete sentences, but the rest can easily be found on line.

The following is a list of verses that have been changed in just a few of the newer versions on the market, such as the New King James Version = NKJ, New Century Version = NC, Revised Standard Version = RS, New International Version = NI, New Revised Standard Version = NRS, The Living Bible = LB, New American Standard Version = NAS.


Verse The Changes Version
Matthew 1:25 Removed "Firstborn"

"but knew her not until she had borne a son; and he called his name Jesus."

KJ = "And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS."

Matthew 5:22 Removed "without a cause"

"But I say to you that every one who is angry with his brother shall be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother shall be liable to the council, and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ shall be liable to the hell of fire."

KJ = "But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire."

Matthew 5:44 Removed "bless them that curse you" 

"But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,"

KJ = "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;"

Matthew 6:13 Removed "For thine is the kingdom" 

"And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil"

KJ = "And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen."

Matthew 6:27 Changed "cubit unto his stature" to "span of life"

" And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his span of life?" 

KJ = "Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?" 

Matthew 6:33 Removed "of God"

"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well." 

KJ = "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" 

Matthew 8:29 Removed "Jesus" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Matthew 9:13 Removed "to repentance" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Matthew 11:23 Removed "hell" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, NC
Matthew 12:6 Removed "one greater" to "something greater" NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Matthew 12:35 Removed "of the heart" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Matthew 12:47 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee." NI, RS, NRS,
Matthew 13:51 Removed "Lord" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Matthew 15:8 Removed "draweth nigh unto me with their mouth" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Matthew 16:3 Removed "o ye hypocrites" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Matthew 16:18 Removed "hell" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, NC
Matthew 16:20 Removed "Jesus" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Matthew 17:21 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Matthew 18:11 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Matthew 18:26 Removed "and worshipped him" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, NC
Matthew 19:17 Changed "Why callest thou me good" to "Why do you ask me about what is good" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Matthew 19:17 Removed "God" NI, NAS, RS, NRS
Matthew 20:7 Removed "and whatsoever is right that shall ye receive" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Matthew 20:16 Removed "for many be called but few chosen" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Matthew 20:20 Changed "worshipping him" to "kneeling down" NI, NAS, RS, NRS
Matthew 20:22 Removed 12 WORDS "baptized with Christ's baptism" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Matthew 21:44 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder." NI, RS, NRS, NC
Matthew 23:14 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Matthew 23:33 Changed "damnation" to "condemn" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Matthew 24:36 Added "nor the Son" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Matthew 24:36 Changed "my Father" to "the Father" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Matthew 25:13 Removed "wherein the Son of man cometh" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB
Matthew 27:54 Changed "the Son of God" to "a son of God" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Matthew 28:2 Removed "from the door" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Matthew 28:9 Removed "And as they went to tell his disciples" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 1:1 Removed "the Son of God" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Mark 1:2 Changed "prophets" to "Isaiah" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 1:14 Removed "of the kingdom" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 1:31 Removed "immediately" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 2:17 Removed "to repentance" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, NC
Mark 3:29 Changed "eternal damnation" to "eternal sin", NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 7:16 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "If any man have ears to hear, let him hear." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 9:24 Removed "Lord" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 9:44 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 9:46 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 9:49 Removed "and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 10:21 Removed "take up the cross" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 10:24 Removed "for them that trust in riches" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Mark 11:10 Removed "that cometh in the name of the Lord NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 11:26 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 12:23 Removed "when they shall rise" NI, RS, NRS, LB,
Mark 12:40 Changed "greater damnation" to "punished most severely", or "greater condemnation" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 13:6 Changed "I am Christ" to "I am He", or "the One" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 13:14 Removed "spoken of by Daniel the prophet" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 13:33 Removed "and pray" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Mark 14:68 Removed "and the cock crew" NI, NAS, RS
Mark 15:28 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 1:28 Removed "blessed art thou among women" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 2:14 Changed "good will toward men" to "men on whom his favor rests" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 2:22 Changed "her" to "their" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Luke 2:33 Changed "Joseph" to "his father" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Luke 2:43 Changed "Joseph and his mother" to "parents" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 4:4 Removed "but by every word of God" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 4:8 Removed "get thee behind me, Satan" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 4:18 Removed "he hath sent me to heal..." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Luke 4:41 Removed "Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 6:48 Changed "founded upon a rock" to "well built" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 9:54 Removed "even as Elijah did" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 9:55 Removed "ye know not what manner of spirit..." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 9:56 Removed " For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 9:57 Removed "Lord" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 10:15 Removed "hell" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, NC
Luke 11:4 Removed "but deliver us from evil" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 11:29 Removed "the prophet" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 16:23 Removed "hell" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 17:36 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 21:4 Removed "cast in unto the offerings of God" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 21:8 Changed I am Christ to I am He, the One NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 22:64 Removed "they struck him on the face" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Luke 23:17 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "For of necessity he must release one unto them at the feast." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 23:42 Removed "Lord" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Luke 24:6 Removed "He is not here, but is risen" RS, NRS
Luke 24:49 Removed "of Jerusalem" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB
John 1:14, 18 Removed "begotten" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 1:27 Removed "is preferred before me" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 3:13 Removed "which is in heaven" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 3:15 Removed "should not perish" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 3:16 Removed "begotten" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 3:18 Removed "begotten" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 4:24 Changed "God is a Spirit" to "God is Spirit" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 4:42 Removed "the Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 5:4 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 5:16 Removed "and sought to slay him" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 5:29 Changed "damnation" to "condemn", NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 6:47 Removed "on Me" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
John 6:69 Changed "Christ, the Son of the living God" to "Holy One of God" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 7:53 Removed VERSES "And every man went unto his own house."  
John 8:11 Removed VERSES "She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 8;9 Removed "being convicted by their own conscience" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 8:47 Removed "heareth God's words" to "hears what God says" NI, NC
John 9:4 Changed "I must work the works" to "We must work the works" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 9:35 Changed "Son of God" to "Son of Man" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 11:41 Removed "For the place where the dead was laid" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 14:2 Changed "mansions" to "rooms", or "dwelling places" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 14:16 Changed "Comforter" to "Helper" or "Counselor" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, NC
John 16:16 Removed "because I go to the Father" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
John 17:12 Removed "in the world" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 1:3 Changed "infallible" to "convincing" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 2:30 Removed "he would raise up Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 2:31 Removed "hell" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, NC
Acts 2:38 Changed Removed "remission of sins" to "forgiveness of sins" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 4:27,30 Changed "holy child" to "holy servant" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 7:30 Removed "of the Lord" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 7:37 Removed "Him shall ye hear" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 8:37 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 9:5 Removed "it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 10:6 Removed "he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 15:11 Removed "Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 15:18 Changed "beginning of the world" to "eternity", or "ages" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 15:34 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "Notwithstanding it pleased Silas to abide there still." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 16:31 Removed "Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 17:16 Changed "stirred" to "provoked", or "distressed" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 17:22 Changed "Mars Hill" to" Areopagus" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, NC
Acts 17:22 Removed "superstitious" to "religious" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 17:26 Removed "blood" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 17:29 Changed "Godhead" to "Divine Nature", or "divine being" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 19:35 Removed "worshipper" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 20:21 Removed "Christ" NI, NRS, NC
Acts 20:24 Removed "none of these things move me" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 20:25 Removed "of God" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB
Acts 23:9 Removed "let us not fight against God" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Acts 24:7 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "But the chief captain Lysias came upon us, and with great violence took him away out of our hands," NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Acts 24:14 Changed "heresy" to "sect" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB
Acts 24:15 Removed "of the dead" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB
Acts 28:29 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "And when he had said these words, the Jews departed, and had great reasoning among themselves." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Romans 1:3 Removed "Jesus Christ our Lord" NI, NAS, RS, NRS
Romans 1:16 Removed "of Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Romans 1:18 Changed "hold the truth" to "suppress the truth" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Romans 1:25 Changed "changed the truth" to "exchanged the truth" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Romans 1:29 Removed "fornication" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Romans 5:8 Changed "commendeth" to "demonstrates", NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Romans 6:8 Changed "we be dead" to "we died" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Romans 6:11 Removed "our Lord" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Romans 9:28 Removed "in righteousness" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Romans 10:17 Changed "word of God" to "word of Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Romans 13:2 Changed "damnation" to "judgment" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Romans 13:9 Removed "Thou shall not bear false witness" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Romans 14:10 Changed "the judgement seat of Christ" to "God's judgment seat" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Romans 14:21 Removed "or is offended, or is made weak" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Romans 14:23 Changed "damned" to "condemned" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Romans 15:8 Removed "Jesus" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Romans 15:19 Removed "of God" NI, NAS, RS, LB, NC
Romans 15:29 Removed "of the gospel" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Romans 16:18 Changed "good words and fair speeches" to "smooth talk and flattery" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Romans 16:24 Removed ENTIRE VERSE "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
  I Corinthians  
I Corinthians 1:21 Changed "foolishness of preaching" to "foolishness of the message preached" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
I Corinthians 1:22 Removed "require" to "request", NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
I Corinthians 5:4 Removed "Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
I Corinthians 5:7 Removed "for us" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
I Corinthians 6:9 Changed "effeminate" to "male prostitutes" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
I Corinthians 6:20 Removed "and in your spirit, which are God's" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
I Corinthians 7:5 Removed "fasting" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
I Corinthians 7:39 Removed "by the law" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
I Corinthians 9:1 Removed "Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
I Corinthians 9:27 Changed "I keep my body" to "I beat my body" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
I Corinthians 9:27 Changed "castaway" to "disqualified" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
I Corinthians 11:11 Removed "in the Lord" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
I Corinthians 11:24 Removed "take eat . . . broken..." NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
I Corinthians 11:29 Changed "damnation" to "judgment" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
I Corinthians 11:29 Removed "unworthily" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
I Corinthians 14:33 Changed "author of confusion" to "a God of disorder" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
I Corinthians 15:47 Changed "Lord from heaven" to "man from heaven" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
I Corinthians 15:55 Changed "grave" to "Hades", or "death" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
I Corinthians 16:22 Removed "Jesus Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
I Corinthians 16:23 Removed "Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
  2 Corinthians  
2 Corinthians 2:10 Changed "person of Christ" to "presence of Christ" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
2 Corinthians 2:17 Changed "corrupt" to "peddle", or "sell" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
2 Corinthians4:6 Removed "Jesus" NI, NAS, RS, LB, NC
2 Corinthians 4:10 Removed "the Lord" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
2 Corinthians 5:17 Changed "creature" to "creation" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
2 Corinthians 5:18 Removed "Jesus" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
2 Corinthians10:5 Changed "Casting down imaginations" to "We demolish arguments" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
2 Corinthians11:6 Changed "rude in speech" to "untrained in speech" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
2 Corinthians11:31 Removed "Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS
Galatians 2:20 Removed "nevertheless I be" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Galatians 3:1 Removed "that ye should not obey the truth" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Galatians3:17 Removed "in Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Galatians 4:7 Removed "through Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Galatians 5:4 Changed "no effect" to "estranged from", or "alienated" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Galatians 6:15 Removed "For in Christ Jesus" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Galatians 6:17 Removed "the Lord" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Ephesians 1:6 Removed "accepted in the beloved" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Ephesians 3:9 Removed "by Jesus Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Ephesians 3:14 Removed "of our Lord Jesus Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Ephesians 5:9 Changed "fruit of the Spirit" to "fruit of the light" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Ephesians 5:30 Removed "of his flesh, and of his bones" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Philippians 2:6 Changed "thought it not robbery to be equal with God" to "did not consider equality with God something to be grasped" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Philippians 2:7 Changed "made" to "emptied" NAS, RS, NRS, LB,
Philippians 3:8 Changed "dung" to "rubbish" , or "trash" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Philippians 4:13 Changed "through Christ" to "through him" NI, NAS, RS, NRS
Colossians 1:2 Removed "and the Lord Jesus Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Colossians 1:14 Removed "through His blood" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Colossians 1:28 Removed "Jesus" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Colossians 3:6 Removed "on the children of disobedience" NI, NAS, RS, LB, NC
  1 Thessalonians  
1 Thessalonians 2:19 Removed "Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS
1 Thessalonians 3:11 Removed "Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 Thessalonians 3:13 Removed "Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 Thessalonians 5:22 Changed "all appearance of evil" to "every form of evil" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
  2 Thessalonians  
2 Thessalonians 1:8 Removed "Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS
2 Thessalonians 1:12 Removed "Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS
  1 Timothy  
1 Timothy 1:1 Removed "Lord" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
1 Timothy 1:17 Removed "wise" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 Timothy 2:7 Removed "in Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 Timothy 3:16 Changed "God" to "he" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 Timothy 4:12 Removed "in spirit" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 Timothy 5:21 Removed "Lord" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
1 Timothy 6:1 Changed "blasphemed" to "spoken against" NI, NAS, RS, LB, NC
1 Timothy 6:5 Changed "gain is godliness" to "godliness is a means of gain" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 Timothy 6:5 Removed "from such withdraw thyself" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
1 Timothy 6:10 Changed "root of all evil" to "root of all kinds of evil" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 Timothy 6:19 Changed "eternal life" to "the life that is truly life" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 Timothy 6:20 Changed "science" to "knowledge" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
  2 Timothy  
2 Timothy 1:11 Removed "of the gentiles" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
2 Timothy 2:15 Removed "study" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
2 Timothy 3:3 Changed "of those that are good" to "good" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, NC
2 Timothy 4:1 Removed "the Lord" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
2 Timothy 4:22 Removed "Jesus Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Hebrews 1:3 Changed "by himself purged our sins" to "provided purification for sins" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Hebrews 3:1 Removed "Christ Jesus" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Hebrews 7:21 Removed "after the order of Melchisedec" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Hebrews 10:34 Removed "in heaven" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Hebrews 11:11 Removed "was delivered of a child" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
James 5:16 Changed "faults" to "sins" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
  1 Peter  
1 Peter 1:22 Removed "through the Spirit" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 Peter 2:2 Removed "of the word" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 Peter 2:2 Changed "grow thereby" to "grow up in your salvation" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 Peter 3:15 Changed "the Lord God" to "Christ as Lord" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 Peter 4:1 Removed "for us" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 Peter 5:10 Removed "Jesus" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 Peter 5:11 Removed "glory " to "Him be glory and dominion" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 Peter 5:14 Removed "Jesus" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
  2 Peter  
2 Peter 2:1 Changed "damnable" to "destructive" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
2 Peter 2:17 Removed "for ever" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
2 Peter 3:9 Removed "us" to "you" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
  1 John  
1 John 1:7 Removed "Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 John 3:16 Removed "of God" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 John 4:3 Removed "Christ is come in the flesh" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 John 4:9 Removed "begotten" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 John 4:19 Removed "him" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
1 John 5:13 Added "continue" to "denys eternal security" NKJ
  2 John  
2 John 1:3 Removed "the Lord" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Jude 1:25 Removed "wise" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Revelation 1:8 Removed "the beginning and the ending" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Revelation 1:9 Removed "Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Revelation 1:11 Removed "I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Revelation 1:18 Removed "hell" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, NC
Revelation 2:13 Changed "Satan's seat" to "Satan s throne" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Revelation 2:15 Removed "which thing I hate" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Revelation 5:14 Removed "Him that liveth for ever and ever" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Revelation 6:8 Removed "Hell" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, NC
Revelation 6:17 Changed "his wrath" to "their wrath" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Revelation 8:13 Changed "angel" to "eagle" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Revelation 11:15 Changed "kingdoms" to "kingdom" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Revelation 11:17 Removed "and art to come" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Revelation 12:12 Removed "inhabiters of" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Revelation 12:17 Removed "Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Revelation 14:5 Removed "before the throne of God" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Revelation 15:3 Changed "King of saints" to "King of the ages" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Revelation 16:5 Removed "and shalt be" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Revelation 16:7 Changed "And I heard another out of the altar say" to "And I heard the altar respond" NI, NAS, RS, NRS
Revelation 16:17 Removed "of heaven" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Revelation 20:9 Removed "from God out of" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Revelation 20:12 Changed "God" to "throne" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC
Revelation 20:13 Removed "hell" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Revelation 20:14 Removed "hell" NI, NAS, NKJ, RS, NRS, NC
Revelation 21:24 Removed "of them which are saved" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Revelation 22:14 Changed "do his commandments" to "wash their robes" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, LB, NC
Revelation 22:21 Removed "Christ" NI, NAS, RS, NRS, NC

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