The Wars Of The Jews
by Flavius Josephus
Book I.
From Taking Of Jerusalem
By Antiochus Epiphanes
To Death Of Herod The Great.
  Chapter 1:
   How Jerusalem was taken,
   Temple Pillaged.
   The Maccabees, Matthias,
   Judas and death of Judas.
  Chapter 2:
   Successors of Judas:
   Jonathan, Simon, John.
  Chapter 3:
   How Aristobulus was First
   to put Diadem on his Head,
   Later puts Mother/Brother
   to Death, Died Himself.
  Chapter 4:
   Actions done by Alexander
   Janneus, who Reigned
   Twenty-Seven Years.
  Chapter 5:
   Alexandra Reigns Nine Years,
   Pharisees were real Rulers.
  Chapter 6:
   Hyrcanus, Alexander's Heir,
   Receded from Claim to Crown,
   Aristobulus made King; Hyrcanus,
   brought by Abetas.
  Chapter 7:
   Pompey had Jerusalem delivered up,
   took Temple by Force,
   Goes into Holy of Holies,
   His exploits in Judea.
  Chapter 8:
   Alexander runs from Pompey,
   Expedition against Hyrcanus;
   Aristobulus escapes Rome, gets
   Army, beaten, brought to Rome.
  Chapter 9:
   Aristobulus taken by Pompey's
   Friends. Antipater cultivates Friendship
   with Caesar, assists
   Mithridates in War.
  Chapter 10:
   Caesar makes Antipater Procurator
   of Judea; Antipater appoints
   Phasaelus Govenor of Jerusalem,
   Herod Governor of Galilee.
   Sextus Caesar Killed.
  Chapter 11:
   Herod Made Procurator Of Syria;
   Malichus Is Afraid Of Him,
   Takes Antipater Off By Poison;
   Soldiers Prevailed To Kill Him.
  Chapter 12:
   Phasaelus Too Hard For Felix;
   Herod Overcomes Antigonus In Battle;
   Jews Accuse Herod And Phasaelus
   But Antonius Acquits Them.
  Chapter 13:
   Parthians Bring Antigonus to Judea,
   Cast Hyrcanus And Phasaelus Into Prison.
   Flight Of Herod, And
   The Taking Of Jerusalem
  Chapter 14:
   Herod Rejected In Arabia,
   Makes Haste To Rome
   Where Antony And Caesar Join
   Interest To Make Him King .
  Chapter 15:
   Antigonus Besieges Masada,
   Whom Herod Frees From Confinement
   And Marches To Jerusalem .
  Chapter 16:
   Herod Takes Sepphoris,
   Subdues Robbers In Caves;
   Avenges Himself Upon Macheras,
   Goes To Antony As He Besieging Samosata.
  Chapter 17:
   Death Of Joseph [Herod’s Brother].
   Herod Cuts Off Head Of Pappus,
   Who Murdered His Brother.
   Besieges Jerusalem, Marries Mariamne.
  Chapter 18:
   Herod And Sosius Took Jerusalem
   By Force; Death of Antigonus.
   Cleopatra's Avaricious Temper.
  Chapter 19:
   Antony, Persuaded Of Cleopatra,
   Sent Herod To Fight Arabians
   And He Got Victory.
   A Great Earthquake.
  Chapter 20:
   Herod Confirmed In His Kingdom
   By Caesar, Cultivates Friendship With
   Emperor; Caesar Returns Kindness
   By Bestowing Kingdom.
  Chapter 21:
   Temple / Cities Built By
   Herod; Other Edifices
   Erected By Him.
  Chapter 22:
   Murder Of Aristobulus,
   Hyrcanus, The High Priests,
   Mariamne The Queen.
  Chapter 23:
   Calumnies Against Sons Of
   Mariamne, They Are Accused
   Before Caesar, Herod
   Reconciled To Them.
  Chapter 24:
   Malice Of Antipater And
   Doris; Herod Pardons
   Pheroras. Herod's Eunuchs Tortured;
   Alexander Is Bound.
  Chapter 25:
   Archelaus Procures Reconciliation
   Between Alexander Pheroras,
   And Herod.
  Chapter 26:
   Eurycles Calumniated Sons
   Of Mariamne; Euaratus'
   Apology For Them Had
   No Effect.
  Chapter 27:
   Herod By Caesars Direction
   Accuses His Sons At
   Eurytus, They Sent To
   Sebaste And Strangled.
  Chapter 28:
   Antipater Is Hated Of
   All Men;
   Herod's Marriages - Children.
  Chapter 29:
   Antipater Becomes Intolerable,
   Sent To Rome And Carries
   Herod's Testament; Pheroras
   Leaves Brother, Dies.
  Chapter 30:
   Herod Inquirs on Pheroras’s
   Death; Herod Casts
   Doris / Mariamne Out
   Of Palace.
  Chapter 31:
   Antipater Is Convicted By
   Bathyllus, Herod Brings
   Him To His Trial.
  Chapter 32:
   Antipater Accused Before
   Varus, Convicted Of Plot.
   Herod Puts Off His
   Punishment Till His Recover.
  Chapter 33:
   Golden Eagle Cut To
   Pieces. Herod's Barbarity When
   He Was Ready To Die,
   Commands Antipater To Be Slain.
Book 2.
From Taking Of Jerusalem
By Antiochus Epiphanes
To Death Of Herod The Great.
  Chapter 1:
   Archelaus Makes Funeral Feast
   On Account Of Herod.
   After Which Great Tumult Is Raised,
   Soldiers Destroy Three Thousand.
  Chapter 2:
   Archelaus Goes To Rome, .
   Accused Before Caesar By
   Antipater, Nicolaus Makes
   Defense For Him
  Chapter 3:
   Jews Fight Great Battle
   With Sabinus's Soldiers,
   Great Destruction Is
   Made At Jerusalem.
  Chapter 4:
   Herod’s Veteran Soldiers Become
   Tumultuous. Robberies Of Judas.
   Simon / Athronoeus Take
   Name Of King.
  Chapter 5:
   Varus Composes Tumults
   In Judea, Crucifies
   Two Thousand Of
   The Seditious.
  Chapter 6:
   Jews Greatly Complain Of
   Archelaus, Desire Subjection To
   Roman Governors. Caesar
   Distributes Herod's Dominions Among Sons.
  Chapter 7:
   History Of Spurious
   Alexander. Archelaus Is
   Banished, Glaphyra Dies,.
  Chapter 8:
   Archelaus’s Ethnarchy Reduced to
   A Roman Province.
   Sedition Of Judas Of
   Galilee. Three Sects.
  Chapter 9:
   Death Of Salome. Cities
   Which Herod / Philip Built.
   Pilate Occasions Disturbances.
   Tiberius Puts Agrippa In Bonds.
  Chapter 10:
   Caius Commands His Statue
   Set Up In Temple
   Itself; What Petronius
   Did Thereupon.
  Chapter 11:
   Claudius' Government, Agrippa's
   Reign. Deaths Of Agrippa,
   Herod And Children
   Left Behind.
  Chapter 12:
   Tumults Under Cumanus. Felix
   Procurator Of Judea.
   Agrippa Advanced From Chalcis
   To Greater Kingdom.
  Chapter 13:
   Nero Adds Four Cities To
   Agrippas' Kingdom, Parts Of
   Judea Under Felix. Disturbances
   By Sicarii, Magicians, Egyptian.
  Chapter 14:
   Albinus Succeeds Festus
   Who Succeeded Felix.
   Albinus' Barbarity Forces
   Jews Into War.
  Chapter 15:
   Bernice's Petition To Florus To
   Spare Jews; Seditious
   Flame Rekindled By Florus.
  Chapter 16:
   Cestius Sends Tribune Neopolitanus
   To See Condition Of Jewish
   Affairs. Agrippa's Speech To Jews
   To Divert War With Romans.
  Chapter 17:
   How War Of Jews
   With Romans Began.
   Concerning Manahem.
  Chapter 18:
   Calamities, Slaughters
   That Came Upon Jews.
  Chapter 19:
   What Cestius Did To
   Jews, His Retreation From
   Jerusalem, Severe Calamities
   He Underwent From Jews.
  Chapter 20:
   Cestius Sends Ambassadors To
   Nero. People Of Damascus Slay
   Jews. People Return To Jerusalem, Get
   Defense Ready, Josephus A General.
  Chapter 21:
   John Of Gichala.
   Josephus Uses Stratagems Against
   Plots John Laid Against Him,
   Recovers Certain Cities that Revolted.
  Chapter 22:
   Jews Make Ready For War;
   Simon, Son Of Gioras,
   Falls To Plundering.
Book 3.
Vespasian's Coming To
Subdue Jews To
Taking Gamala.
  Chapter 1:
   Vespasian Sent To
   Syria By Nero To
   Make War With Jews.
  Chapter 2:
   Great Slaughter About
   Ascalon. Vespasian Comes
   To Ptolemais.
  Chapter 3:
   Description Of Galilee,
   Samaria, And Judea.
  Chapter 4:
   Josephus' Attempt Upon
   Sepphoris, Is Repelled.
   Titus Comes With Great
   Army To Ptolemais.
  Chapter 5:
   Description Of Roman Armies, Camps,
   And Other Particulars
   Which Romans Are Commended.
  Chapter 6:
   Placidus Attempts To Take
   Jotapata, Is Beaten Off.
   Vespasian Marches Into
  Chapter 7:
   Vespasian, After Taking Gadaea,
   Marches To Jotapata.
   City Betrayed By Deserter,
   Taken By Vespasian.
  Chapter 8:
   Josephus Discovered By Woman,
   Willing To Go To Romans;
   Josephus' discouse with His Men,
   How Vespasian Used Him.
  Chapter 9:
   How Joppa Was Taken,
   And Tiberias Delivered Up.
  Chapter 10:
   How Taricheae Was Taken.
   Description Of River Jordan
   And Country Of Gennesareth.
Book 4.
From Siege Of Gamala
To Coming Of Titus
To Besiege Jerusalem.
  Chapter 1:
   Siege And
   Taking Of Gamala.
  Chapter 2:
   Surrender Of Gischala;
   John Flies From It
   To Jerusalem.
  Chapter 3:
   John Of Gischala, Zealots,
   High Priest Ananus; How
   Jews Raised Seditions One
   Against Another [In Jerusalem].
  Chapter 4:
   Idumeans Sent For By Zealots,
   Came To Jerusalem, Excluded
   Out Of City. High Priest
   Makes Speech, Simon Replies.
  Chapter 5:
   Cruelty Of Idumeans When
   They Got Into Temple During Storm;
   Slaughter Of Ananus, Jesus,
   Zacharias; How Idumeans Retired Home.
  Chapter 6:
   How Zealots When Freed From Idumeans,
   Slew Citizens; How Vespasian
   Dissuaded Romans To
   March Against Jews.
  Chapter 7:
   John Tyrannized Over Rest;
   Mischiefs Zealots Did At Masada.
   How Vespasian Took Gadara;
   Actions Performed By Placidus.
  Chapter 8:
   Vespasian Hears About Gall Commotions,
   Finishes Jewish War.
   Description Of Jericho,
   Great Plain, Lake Asphaltitis.
  Chapter 9:
   Vespasian Takes Gadara, Prepares
   For Siege Of Jerusalem;
   Hears About Nero's Death, Changes
   Intentions. Simon Of Geras.
  Chapter 10:
   Soldiers In Judea And Egypt,
   Proclaim Vespasian Emperor;
   How Vespasian Released
   Josephus From Bonds.
  Chapter 11:
   Upon Conquest And Slaughter Of
   Vitellius, Vespasian Hastens
   To Rome; Titus
   Returns To Jerusalem.
Book 5.
The Coming Of Titus
To Besiege Jerusalem,
To Great Extremity
Jews Reduced To.
  Chapter 1:
   Seditions At Jerusalem,
   Miseries Afflicted By Them.
  Chapter 2:
   How Titus Marched To
   Jerusalem, Was In Danger
   As He Viewed City.
  Chapter 3:
   Sedition Again Revived In
   Jerusalem. Jews Contrive Snares
   For Romans. Titus
   Threatens Soldiers For Rashness.
  Chapter 4:
   Description Of Jerusalem.
  Chapter 5:
   Description Of Temple.
  Chapter 6:
   Tyrants Simon And John.
   Nicanor Wounded By Dart
   As Titus Went Around Wall.
  Chapter 7:
   Tower Erected By Romans Falls;
   Romans After Slaughter Get
   First Wall. Titus Makes Assault
   On Second Wall. Longinus - Castor.
  Chapter 8:
   Romans Took Second Wall
   Twice, Get Ready For
   Third Wall.
  Chapter 9:
   Jews Not Mollified By Titus
   Leaving Siege, He Sieges Again.
   Josephus Sent To Discourse
   With Countrymen About Peace.
  Chapter 10:
   Many People Endeavor To Desert
   To Romans, Those That
   Stayed Behind Suffer Famine.
  Chapter 11:
   Jews Crucified Before Walls
   Of City. Antiochus
   Epiphanes. Jews Overthrow
   Banks Raised By Romans,
  Chapter 12:
   Titus Encompasses City With
   Wall. Famine Consumes
   People And Families.
  Chapter 13:
   Great Slaughters And
   Sacrilege In Jerusalem.
Book 6.
From Great Extremity Of
Jews To Taking
Of Jerusalem By Titus.
  Chapter 1:
   Miseries Grew Worse;
   Romans Make Assault
   upon Tower of Antonia.
  Chapter 2:
   Titus Gives Orders to
   Demolish Tower of Antonia,
   Persuades Josephus to
   Exhort Jews To Surrender.
  Chapter 3:
   Stratagem Devised by Jews,
   They Burn Many Romans;
   Another Description of Terrible
   Famine in City.
  Chapter 4:
   Banks Completed, Battering Rams
   Brought, and Did Nothing,
   Titus Orders Temple Gates set Ablaze;
   Holy House Itself Burnt Down.
  Chapter 5:
   Great Distress of Jews
   upon Conflagration of Holy House.
   False Prophet, Signs that
   Preceded Destruction.
  Chapter 6:
   Romans Carry Ensigns to
   Temple, Joyful Acclamations to Titus.
   Titus' Speech to Jews Asking Mercy,
   Their Reply, Titus’s Indignation.
  Chapter 7:
   What Befell Seditious After
   Their Mischief. How Caesar
   Became Master of
   Upper City.
  Chapter 8:
   Caesar Raises Banks Round
   Upper City [Mount Zion],
   Machines Brought in.
   Caesar Possesses Whole City.
  Chapter 9:
   Injunctions Caesar Gave when
   in City; Number of Captives
   Those that Perish.
   Escape to Subterranean Caverns
  Chapter 10:
   City of Jerusalem Previously
   Taken Five Times, This Is
   Second Time of Desolation.
   Brief Account of Its History.
Book 7.
From Taking of Jerusalem
by Titus to Sedition
at Cyrene.
  Chapter 1:
   City of Jerusalem Demolished But
   Three Towers. Titus Commends
   Soldiers, Distributes Rewards,
   Dismisses Many.
  Chapter 2:
   Titus Exhibites Shows at
   Cesarea Philippi. Simon
   the Tyrant Taken,
   Reserved for Triumph.
  Chapter 3:
   Titus, on Celebration of
   Brother’s-Father’s Birthday, Had
   Jews Slain. Danger Jews
   In at Antioch due to Antiochus.
  Chapter 4:
   Vespasian Received at Rome.
   Germans Revolt from Romans,
   but Subdued. Sarmatians Overran
   Mysia, but Go Back Home.
  Chapter 5:
   Sabbatic River Titus Saw
   on Journey Through Syria. Antioch
   Petition's Titus Against Jews, but
   Rejected. Titus’s - Vespasian’s Triumph
  Chapter 6:
   Macherus, and How
   Lucilius Bassus Took
   that Citadel.
  Chapter 7:
   Calamity that Befell Antiochus,
   King of Commagene. Mischiefs
   Alans Did to Medes .
   and Armenians
  Chapter 8:
   Masada and Sicarii Who Kept It.
   Silva Betook Himself to Siege
   Citadel. Eleazar’s Speeches
   to Besieged.
  Chapter 9:
   How People in Fortress Prevailed on
   by Eleazar, Two Women and
   Five Children Only Excepted,
   Others Kill Each Other.
  Chapter 10:
   Sicarii Flee to Alexandria,
   Dangers They Were in. Temple
   Built by Onias, the High
   Priest, Destroyed
  Chapter 11:
   Jonathan, One of Sicarii,
   Stirs up Sedition in
   Cyrene, and Was False
   Accuser of Innocent.
Christian Walks